There are two types of Belize ATM Cave tours...

Belize ATM Cave Tour Review 

.. the expedited, get in and out as quickly as possible type, and the Luis, do-it-right type. After seeing other groups pass us on the way to and inside the cave, and then see them come back out before us, we knew we had chosen the right guide.

Luis is not only a great guide, but a true teacher. On the way to the cave, he pointed out different flora and fauna (some he even joked were good to know in case we were on "Naked and Afraid"), taking the time to stop and explain what it was and why it was important. (Did you know that an important ingredient in oral contraceptives comes from a plant found in the forests of Belize? Yeah, me neither.) We took our time in the cave, Luis stopping often to explain different, out of sight, artifacts (ex: the stele that you can see just the tips of from the cave floor, and the story about blood letting that went along with them) that, in some cases, other groups rushed past. His explanations were less like a lecture, though, and more like stories. It is obvious he has a passion for this work. I am inspired to learn more about the Mayan culture!

crystal maiden of belize

Luis was also engaging with our younger son (13YO), who is often distracted and also a bit fearful. Luis gave him a couple of chances to go first, giving him confidence. I know this is an experience he will never forget.

After the tour, we enjoyed a delicious, filling lunch (included in the tour).

Please note that you should be in pretty good shape for this tour- it is nothing to take lightly. I, personally, wouldn't take anyone younger than a teenager in (I think there are age restrictions, but not sure what they are). I also suggest wearing socks that are either long or tight around the ankles (I left with quite a few pebbles in mine) and athletic shoes that you don't mind getting soaked. Quick dry clothing is a good idea, too, as you are in the cave quite a while and might get cold.

Thank you, Luis, for an amazing tour that sparked a strong interest in seeing more Mayan sites and learning more about the history!

For More on The ATM Cave:


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